People of a certain age
remember an early 1960s television sitcom. The two main characters were Dobie
Gillis and his pal Maynard G.Krebbs. Maynard was a goodhearted young 1950s
beatnik wannabe (although the term wannabe didn’t exist yet.).If anyone ever
mentioned work, he would exclaim, “Work! in a funny tone of voice that said,
“This is something I really can’t cope with; anything but work.”
You may have seen those bumper stickers and licenses plate frames which
announce that the driver would rather be doing something else.” I’D RATHER BE
car would rather be doing something other than what he or she is doing. The
ordinary, everyday world is a drag. Work, especially, is a drag. Blecch.
So you may ask, “How can work make me happy?” One may reply that if the work
you do doesn’t make you happy then you should find another line of work. easy
to say, not so easy to do. The title of a bestselling book, do what you love ,
the money will follow , is a misleading over simplifications of mountainous
Modern societies often make it difficult for people to do work that nourishes
the soul. Does working in a fast food ham burger restaurant contribute to
happiness? Does working in a” Fast lube “garage lead to happiness? Does fitting
the same micro chip into a printed circuit board over and over all day long
help workers to be happy people? It’s perfectly possible that some people like
such forms of work and finds it is a source of happiness. Some few people, at
least. Many wouldn’t find fast-food work a source of happiness, however. And
many wouldn’t find giving cause a ten minute tune up or sticking the same
microchip into the same place on identical circuit boards, over and over and
over, a daily source of happiness such are the thrills of modern life.
Some people have few choices many of us have far more freedom of choice when it
comes to work than we think we do, however. What do you value most, economic
security or work that helps you to be happy? are you willing to take some
risks, stick your neck out, take a leap of faith? If so, then you can and will
find work you will be happy with. You will.
What work do you want to do? Really. What must you do in order to do that kind
of work and also pay the bills and buy the groceries?
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